
#ActsofKindness Day

How does one show kindness? Let the photos speak for themselves...

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#LoveMatters Happy Valentine's Day

Carmelite Sisters, Residents and Staff celebrate Saint Valentine's Day!

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Feast Day Saints: Saints Cyril and Methodius

Story Contribution: Sister Cyril Methodius, O.Carm.

Celebrating the feast day of Saint Cyril and Methodius on February 14.

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#Super Bowl LVI Sunday

The Carmelite Sisters join in the fun of Super Bowl Sunday LVI!

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# Care4Sick- Saint Patrick's Home For the Aged

Saint Patrick's Home celebrates World Day for the Sick

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A collection of photos for #Caring4SickDay

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#Caring4Sick- Mary Manning Walsh Home

Mary Manning Walsh in New York, NY celebrated World Day of the Sick.

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#National Pizza Day

Having fun on the National Pizza Day!

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Anything Red Day!

Carmelite Sisters go for the "#AnythingRedDay"

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