“Our apostolate is not only to provide care in up to date homes for the aged, but as religious, it is to bring Christ to every old person under our care.”
Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, Foundress

What We Do

The Carmelites for the Aged and Infirm are dedicated to caring for the elderly in mind, body and spirit. We strive to ensure that our residents’ lives are filled with love, and that they are cared for with respect and dignity. We believe we care for Christ Himself in everyone we serve.

Our philosophy flows from the Charism of our foundress Mother M. Angeline Teresa, who was inspired to identify the physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs of the elderly, and to initiate programs and services for those we serve, all the while holding their hand and giving meaning to the autumn of their lives. Finally, Mother Angeline’s mission was and is also to form a religious congregation which prepares the way for others who are also dedicated to the care and service of the aged.

Congregational Statement On The Sanctity Of Life

We, the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, are a religious congregation dedicated to the service of God in an apostolate, which focuses on care to the aged. In our ministry to the aged, we uphold the authentic teaching of the Roman Catholic Church and philosophy of our Foundress, Mother M. Angeline Teresa, regarding the value and right to life of each person from conception throughout the stages of living.

Our mission is to provide holistic care to the aged and infirm in an atmosphere of Christian understanding and faith. We hold in reverential esteem the sanctity of life, believing that God has touched humankind in a personal and lasting manner by the gift of life. Sanctity of life does not depend upon the quality of life. Although mental and/or physical limitations may exist, the life of every human being is considered sacred. Each one has, therefore, a moral responsibility to respect and protect the basic right to life.

Every aspect of care given to those who reside in our Carmelite Homes reflects the sanctity of life, the dignity of the human person and the realization that death is a natural part of life. Great tenderness and concerns are shown to the sick and every effort is made to alleviate pain and to promote comfort. We console and support both resident and family, especially when death is imminent. Because we believe in eternal life, we do not hasten nor do we prolong the dying process, realizing that the person will meet their God and enter into eternal life. In an effort to accomplish our mission, we strive to create an environment, which recognizes Christ in every individual entrusted to our care.

We, as Carmelite Sisters, in keeping with our philosophy of care, provide the full support of the human family of which every person is worthy.

We, as Carmelite Sisters, publicly state that we are opposed to abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide and all acts of violence against the human race.

Our Charism and Values

Sanctity of Life - Our belief is that life is sacred and we advocate especially on behalf of the elderly. We are committed to witness to the gospel message of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Acknowledging the importance of palliative care, our healing ministry does recognize that sickness, suffering and death are potential occasion of experiencing Christ.

Hospitality - Our belief is that each home should provide a welcoming, person-centered environment and atmosphere of a "Home." Personal warmth, love and care will reflect and give value and purpose to the resident's lives. The holistic care of each residents encompasses their physical, social, psychological, emotional and spiritual needs. Guided by our Catholic tradition, we seek to honor the spiritual journeys of people of all faiths.

Shared Commitment- Our belief is that quality of care is attained by a team spirit that has a shared sense of achievement, accountability, ideas, insights and the commitment to the wise stewardship of resources. Treating one another respectfully and justly as we come together for our common Mission, enables us to continue to move forward with the times.

Compassion - Our belief is that each person is created in the image of God as an object of His personal love. Doing so we are to bring hope, healing and comfort to all we encounter in our ministry. In the words of Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, we strive to be "kinder than kindness itself."

How did we hear His voice and answer His call?
