#Caring4Sick- Mary Manning Walsh Home

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Story/Photo Contribution: Sr. Leda Domino, O.Carm.

On February 11, 2022, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and designated as the World Day of the Sick , we started by talking about and praying for the World Day of the Sick.   At the Medical Staff Meeting this month and the Quality Assurance Committee Meeting, we prayed for the sick, the staff who care for them and for their families. We had all formal services  live in the Holy Family Chapel and televised via the Chapel Channel TV (Channel 79) which was broadcasted to every TV in Mary Manning Walsh Home.  Mass was celebrated at 10:30 a.m with an Organist/Singing.  Following the Mass, a rendition of Marian Hymns was performed.  Through the generosity and work of the Dominican Hospital Ministry (our Chaplains),Holy Water bottles were filled and distributed with a card announcing the World Day of the Sick.  They were available in chapel after Mass and also given out with many more  distributed on the units.  At 2PM, a Jewish Shabbat was held followed by a Holy Hour and Benediction at 3:00 pm.  A intention for vocations was added.
