Sancta Familia Media Visits Avila

Photo Courtesy: Sancta Familia Media/Sr. Helena of Mary, O.Carm.

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On January 25-28, 2025, two cousins from Mossend, Scotland visited Saint Teresa's Motherhouse in Germantown, New York. The cousins were John Mallon and Brian Timmons, two vibrant, talented and avid devotees of Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa. The Venerable Mary Angeline (or Mother Angeline to us) was a parishioner of Holy Family Parish Church in Mossend, Scotland where these two gentlemen were from and the fact that this local girl from Mossend is now Venerable is just too good to be true! John and Brian came to the United States to learn more about Mother Angeline and to see Avila-on-the-Hudson, in Germantown, New York, the place where she founded a religious congregation, lived and died.  They met the Carmelite Sisters, visited Mother Angeline's grave, and toured New York City with Sister Leda, our Carmelite Sister based in Manhattan.  They also spent time going over documents and artifacts kept in the archives and the Heritage Center.  They videotaped interviews with some Sisters who shared their personal experiences with Mother Angeline when they were  Novices and as young religious.  It was a delightful visit for the Sisters, John and Brian.  You can see and read more of their story if you visit their social media platforms both on Facebook and Instagram      

