R.I.P Sister Margaret Boyle, O.Carm.

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Sister Margaret Mary Boyle O.Carm.

Sister Margaret Mary Boyle O.Carm. passed away peacefully on August 28 in the 68th year of her religious life.

Margaret Mary Boyle was born on November 1, 1937 in Woodside, N.Y. to Andrew and Margaret (nee Lawless) Boyle. In addition to her parents Sr. Margaret Mary was predeceased by her older sister, Patricia, whom she was very attentive to. Entering the Congregation on August 16, 1953, she received the habit on March 7, 1954 taking the name Sr. Andrew Marian (1953-1954 was designated as a Marian Year) and later returned to her baptismal name. She professed first vows on March 13, 1955 and made her final profession of vows on December 8, 1960.

Sr. Margaret Mary was trained as a Licensed Practical Nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital School of Practical Nursing in Yonkers, NY. Always willing to go wherever she was asked to go, Sr. Margaret Mary ministered to the elderly in homes in New York, Detroit, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa, Florida, Ohio and Massachusetts. She was stationed the longest at St. Patrick's Home (Bronx, NY) for a brief time in 1961 and then returning there from 1983-1998 and from 2003-2018. Her assignments included that of Resident Advocate, Charge Nurse and In-service Coordinator and she also assisted in the Clinic. With her health failing, Sr. Margaret Mary was admitted to St. Patrick's Manor in May 2018, and then admitted to Ozanam Hall on June 1, 2021.

Sr. Margaret Mary had a very great love for her family and Community.She could be compared with Joseph and his multi-colored coat and had a spirit as colorful as her clothes! May the Lord who called her from her youth, now welcome her into His presence, where she will experience the great joy of being united with all those she loved during life.May Sr. Margaret Mary rest in peace.
