R.I.P Sister M. Matthew James of All Saints, O.Carm.

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Sister  Mary Matthew James of All Saints passed away peacefully, after a prolonged illness, on the night of Friday, February 14, 2025, at Ozanam Hall. Sister Matthew was in the 61st year of her religious life.

Martha Anne Gay was born on September 19, 1935, in Brooklyn, NY. She was among the 9 children born to Matthew and Ellen (nee Vesey) Gay. Sr. Matthew is survived by her brother Gerard and an exceptionally large extended family.

Sr. Matthew James entered the Community on September 12, 1964. She received the habit on March 29, 1965, professed First Vows on April 5, 1967, and professed Perpetual Vows on December 8, 1972.

Her first assignment was the Madonna Residence in Brooklyn (1967-1969), after which she received an Obedience to St. Teresa’s Motherhouse, where she served for the next 46 years. Blessed with a strong work ethic and great stamina, Sr. Matthew was faithful to many a heavy assignment given to her at the Motherhouse. She worked in close proximity to Venerable Mother M. Angeline Teresa and the members of the General Council. Sr. Matthew was blessed to be with Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa when the Lord called Mother Angeline to Himself. In 2015 Sr. Matthew was transferred to Ozanam Hall’s enhanced living Convent, and to provide her with the care she needed was admitted to the nursing home on May 5, 2016. The Sisters and staff were very attentive to Sr. Matthew throughout the many years of her illness.

As Sr. M. Matthew James of All Saints enters into eternal life, many of our dear departed Carmelite Sisters will be there to greet her. We are very sure that Venerable Mother Angeline and Sister Mary Gabriel will be front and center!


Monday, February 17, 2025

2:00 p.m.-  4:45 p.m.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel

Followed by Evening Prayer

Ozanam Hall

42-41 201st Street

Bayside, NY 11361


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

10:30 a.m.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel

Viewing 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Ozanam Hall

Bayside, NY 11361


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

2:00 p.m.

Queen of Carmel Cemetery 

St. Teresa’s Motherhouse

600 Woods Road

Germantown, NY 12526
