New York Eucharistic Congress 2023

Photo Courtesy: Sister Helena of Mary, O.Carm.

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On October 20-22, 2023, New York State held a Eucharistic Congress at Our Lady of the Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville, New York. It was organized by the Diocese of Albany and was attended by over 8,000 people from all walks and states of life- clergy, religious, and lay.  The call for a National Eucharisitc Revival was discerned and approved by the bishops of the United States to rekindle the hearts and spirits of Catholics across America in an encounter with the Eucharistic Lord and thus empowering the believer with the missionary spirit of the Gospel.

Here is the background to the national event as found on the National Eucharistic Revival website:

"This three-year initiative was launched in 2022 on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or Corpus Christi. Renewal began at the diocesan level, inviting diocesan staff, bishops and priests to what Pope Francis has described as "a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ"-particularly the transforming power and mercy of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. After this fruitful year of preparation, the Year of Parish Revival began on June 11, 2023-also on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi... Then, on July 17, 2024, America will gather for the first time in 83 years for a National Eucharistic Congress. This historic moment will launch the United States into a Year of Mission, sending on-fire Catholics out to share Christ's love "for the Life of the World."

Our Congregation responded to this call by encouraging our Sisters to attend the event in Albany as their schedule would allow. At the Motherhouse in Germantown, New York, members of the Formation team attended, as well as our temporary vowed Sisters and a few of the Avila Sisters. The Eucharistic Congress took place officially over 40 hours, beginning Friday at 7:00 pm and lasting through Sunday Mass at 11 am. The Eucharistic Adoration took place each night from 10 pm through 7 am. The principal Mass was celebrated by Bishop Terry LaValley at 11 am on Saturday. A Eucharistic Procession was held on Saturday afternoon. The Eucharistic Congress concluded with the 11 am Mass on Sunday and was celebrated by Bishop Edward Scharfenberger of Albany.
