National Eucharistic Congress 2024


JULY 15, 2024


JULY 16, 2024

Story: Sr. Michelle Elizabeth Marie, O.Carm.

Happy Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel from our Sisters in the Midwest and our pilgrims headed to the National Eucharistic Congress. The Sisters were hosted by the community at Carmel Manor, with a delicious meal cooked by Sr. Pauline, Sr. Eileen, and Sr. Maureen. Thanks, also, to our Sisters at Mother Angeline’s for their hospitality!

July 17, 2024- OPENING DAY

by Sister Peter Lillian, O.Carm. and  Sister Michelle Elizabeth Marie, O.Carm.

Have had a very busy day meeting so many people with great excitement for the opening. Our booth is up and have welcomed many visitors. 

The Sisters have made it to Indianapolis! They joined their fellow pilgrims (roughly 50,000!) in welcoming Our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist to Lucas Oil Stadium for the duration of the Congress. The Sisters spent most of the afternoon tabling and interacting with other Congress attendees, as well as practicing their art skills! What a great blessing it is to be in Indianapolis for this historic moment!
#nationaleucharisticrevival #nec2024 #carmelites4aged #carmelitesisters

July 18- Day 3

Sister Cyril Methodius, O.Carm. and Sister Michelle Elizabeth Marie, O.Carm.

The photo of the Sister (Sr. Cyril) with the yellow ring has a story (last photo).  The booth to the left of ours is promoting priestly vocations. As a crowd - drawer they have a ring toss board with pictures of various priests. Player tries to toss the ring onto a hook of one of the photos. When it gets very busy the game, ‘next door’ is quite popular! Frequently, we receive a few colored rings at times. When this first occurred I spoke to the priests running the booth and told them we don’t mind intercepting the wayward circles, but they are expected to pray an Ave for vocations to our Congregation!!! We are up up to 7 AVEs so far!

The attendees had more opportunities to visit the booths and exhibits, enjoy live entertainment, and participate in breakout sessions. Most importantly, though, the pilgrims were given the opportunity to participate in a healing holy hour lead by Father Boniface Hicks, OSB. Our Lord was processed around the ground floor of Lucas Oil Stadium after a brief reflection from Father Boniface. What a gift it is to be here for this historic moment! Know that the Sisters carry all of you in their prayers during these days of Eucharistic Revival.

July 19- Fourth Day

Sister Philomena Anne, O.Carm. and Sister Peter Lillian, O.Carm.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Archdiocese of New York offered Mass . A photo of the First Communicants getting ready for procession.
