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Photo Courtesy: Lourdes Noreen McKeen, West Palm Beach, Fla.

Story Contributor: Brenda A. Magers, Administrative Assistant to CEO

The Residents and Staff of Lourdes Noreen McKeen Residence enjoy learning the history of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, and the details of Mother Angeline’s journey which eventually led her to become the Foundress. In a collaborative effort, Sister Kevin Patricia Lynch, CEO and Whitney McCrimmon, Communications Specialist, have taken a deep dive into the historical publications and created informational display boards to educate all about our true Mission. These boards first went on display during the 2023 Foundation Day in September at the employee Grab and Go lunch. Their popularity among staff, residents, their family members and visitors has grown, and there are requests for more information about the history of our building, other facilities, and Mother Angeline. Ms. McCrimmon has worked diligently to use her creativity to promote the history of our facility, the Foundress and the Mission of the Carmelite Sisters.


Story/Photo Contribution: Sister Anthony Veilleux, O.Carm.

As you may know, the relics of St. Therese and her parents were at the National Shrine of Saint Therese in Darien, Illinois from Sept 17th through Oct 1st. Each of the Sisters had the opportunity to visit the National Shrine and spend time there. Yesterday, we attended a 3:00 pm closing Mass in honor of the Saint's Feast. Truly, it was a beautiful experience! The faith of the people, from all walks of life, was very palpable.
