On February 2, the Carmelite Sisters joined the universal church in celebrating the World Day for Consecrated Life. In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day for women and men in consecrated life. We celebrated this day as the universal church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple or traditionally known as "Candlemas." Just as Jesus is the Light of the World, consecrated men and women by virtue of their calling, are called to be the light for this world by their close following of Jesus in the life of the evangelical counsels.
Reverend Jim Hess, O.Carm. celebrated a special 10:00 Mass in Saint Teresa's Chapel in Germantown, New York where the Carmelite Sisters, joined by the Sisters of Saint Ursula from Rhinebeck, New York and the Sisters of the Resurrection from Albany, New York, with other local guests from the neighboring area, processed in with candles singing "Christ Be Our Light." It was a beautiful celebration of the Eucharist and a strong reminder of the bond that unites us in our common call to the life of the evangelical counsels. The gathering continued with a brunch and socials for sharing and fun. The day ended with a group photo and prayer for the blessings of the day.
"Lord, our God, we thank you for the graces and blessings of this day. We thank you for calling us, unworthy as we are, to a life of prayer and intimacy with you, to a life of ministry and service to our suffering world and to community life. We ask you to continue your act of mercy in us so that in difficult moments of our lives, we may not be discouraged, despair or become despondent, but to always trust in your loving Providence. For our part, we renew our commitment to you, to your Church, and to your people as we pray:
(The Archdiocese of Chicago is credited for the following prayer from NRVC website)
Trusting in God's love and fidelity, I, ___________, renew my dedication to God through the vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience. I renew the gift of my life in community and in mission to extend God's reign of justice, love and peace in the world. With total dependence upon God, I promise fidelity to this commitment made in accordance with the Constitutions of my Religious Congregation. I ask you to pray that I will be faithful to this commitment. Amen.