Feast Day: Sister Mary of Jesus, O.Carm.

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I chose July 16, Solemnity  of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, as my own feast day. Why?  I could have chosen any feast of Our Lady since I retained my baptismal name, Mary. As a child I always had an incredible love and devotion to Mary.  Carmelites consider Mary to be a perfect model of the interior life so I could not have a greater mentor. I always pray to Mary to cover me with the mantle of her special protection, especially while driving or in demanding situations. Like St. Therese, I can honestly say through the years that Mary has been more mother than Queen. To paraphrase a hymn to Our Lady of Mount Carmel that has become my favorite: I pray “Dear Virgin Mother, Lady of Mt. Carmel, Let the dew of grace descend upon me, since dear Mother I belong to you!
