Feast Day Saints: Saints Peter and Paul

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I celebrate my Feast Day on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. I love the apostle, Saint Peter, because he confirms for me the Lord's great love for each of us despite our human weaknesses. Throughout the time St. Peter accompanied Jesus, we witness how Jesus showed His patience and His mercy with St Peter’s questions, doubts, and conversations as they journeyed together. Although St Peter denied Him three times, Jesus allowed him to proclaim His love for Him three times after the resurrection. St Peter recognizes Jesus as the Messiah, and Jesus builds His church upon this rock.
(See John 21:15-17 and Matthew 16:13-20)
I chose the name Peter Lillian because it was my father’s name, the rock of our family andLillian was my mother’s name (my baptismal name is Lillian also). My  father and mother believed faith, family, and friends were the foundations of living a full life. I appreciate my Italian heritage and community and the many meaningful traditions of faith we share. My parents had patience with their children, a great confidence that God would provide and believed, as St Peter did, Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God! I am grateful for my Faith, Parents, Family, and Friends, for each has accompanied me on my continued journey despite my humanness. May the Lord, the source of all life, bless them and you who are reading this.
St. Peter, pray for us!
