Feast Day: Sister Michelle Elizabeth Marie, O.Carm.

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Happy Feast of the Archangels! When I was a little girl, I looked up to my father (Michael) a lot. I loved tagging along with him on his Saturday morning ritual of getting a bagel and newspaper, and cheering him on at his softball games. When my mom passed away he became my biggest support and cheerleader in ways I never could have imagined. I came to really rely on him and look up to him. I watched my dad truly live up to the name he bore in his protection of his family.
As a postulant, I was not initially thinking of asking for Michelle. However, as it got closer to reception, I realized that even in my entering -- something that had to have been hard for him -- he did nothing but support and encourage me. In my decision to enter religious life, as in everything else, he was there for me. I really grew in my love and appreciation for my father. So, when the time came to discuss my name in religious life, I knew I had to ask for Michelle. It is my way of honoring the man who first showed me what it meant to protect and defend those in need. I feel very grateful to share this name with him, and with St. Michael the Archangel.

Sister Michelle Elizabeth Marie and Dad, Michael Nicosia
