CMSWR Formators Workshop 2024

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On April 22-26, 2024, Sr. Helena of Mary, Sr. Lois Ann, and Sr. Mary of Jesus, attended the Annual Formators' Workshop organized by the Council of Major Superiors for Women Religious (CMSWR). The event was held in Huntington, NY at the Retreat and Conference Center of the Immaculate Conception (previously Immaculate Conception Seminary). It was attended by 120 religious sisters from different congregations. The theme of this year's conferences was Human Formation. The topic was chosen to further assist Formators in recognizing and addressing areas of human maturation in their postulants and novices. It was a blessing to hear speakers who brought their knowledge and experience to their presentations. Among them were Very Reverend Paul Hoesing as the keynote speaker who is currently the Dean of Seminarians, Vice-Rector, and Director of Human Formation for Kenrick Seminary and is now in his second year as Rector of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis. He also serves as a faculty member of the Institute for Priestly Formation in Omaha. His topic was "Rooted and Grounded in Love: Vision and Scenarios for Human Formation." Sister Regina Marie Foley, A.C.J is a member of the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus and the current Novice Mistress for her community. Sister currently serves as the Vicaress for the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus. Her topic was "The Integration of Human Formation in Religious Life." Sister Maria Amata Rossi, R.S.M is a member of the Religious Sister of Mercy of Alma, Michigan. She has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and holds various roles in diocesan chanceries.  Her topic was "If You Wish to Be Perfect... Principles for Addressing Perfectionism in Human Formation." There were several other Sisters who served as panelists to further talk about human formation in the early and later stages of Formation. Break out sessions were provided to enhance discussions and learning. It was an enriching week of prayers, sharing resources, networking, shared meals and socials.  A group of high school students came for the Holy Hour on the last night and socialized with the Sisters.
