On January 21, 2025, the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm
gathered at Saint Teresa's Motherhouse Chapel in Germantown, New York to
celebrate the 41st anniversary of Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa's
entrance to eternal life. The actual date was January 21, 1984 when
she passed away, which was also her day of birth!
The Holy Mass was celebrated by the principal celebrant and homilist The Most Reverend Earl K. Fernandes, Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus, OH, with Very Reverend Mario Esposito, O.Carm. as the Master of Ceremonies. At the altar were other invited members of the Clergy- Rev. James Donlon, Rev. James Miara, and Rev. James Hess, O.Carm. We are also grateful to Brother J.B Duc Nguyen, Mr. J.B Truong An Nguyen and Mr. Matthew Wise, our Carmelite Brothers of Saint Elias Province, for assisting at the liturgy. Other invited guests were John and Connie McCrory, the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, staff members of the Avila Institute of Gerontology, The Mother Angeline Society members, Trish Gathers of the Carmelite System, and other special guests. The celebration concluded with a special reception. It was a beautiful day to remember and honor the life and legacy of this woman of faith, who in her lifetime, exemplified a deep love and devotion to our residents through her acts of kindness. As the Universal Church celebrates the Jubilee of Hope, we continue to place our hope that someday soon, Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa McCrory will be counted among the Saints of the Catholic Church! The theme of this year's anniversary celebration is "Legacy of Kindness."